• Official Website Of writer, comedian, and former US Senator Al Franken.


Molly O’Toole on Immigration

Donald Trump ran on a platform of mass deportations. Now that he’s back in the White House, what does that look like? We’re joined by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Molly O’Toole, whose upcoming book “The Route” details global migration through the Americas. Molly has spoken to hundreds of migrants making…

Peter Beinart on Israel and Gaza

With a confusing ceasefire deal underway in Gaza, we take a look at the path forward with Peter Beinart. Beinart serves as editor-at-large for Jewish Currents, is a frequent analyst on MSNBC, and has authored a new book, “Being Jewish After the Destruction of Gaza: A Reckoning.” The book examines the history of…



Harry and Al

My Friend Harry

Harry Reid died yesterday, and I will miss him terribly. Harry and I were friends, and we’d talk on the phone periodically. When he was majority leader, almost every phone conversation with Harry was short and would end abruptly. He wouldn’t even say goodbye. He’d just hang up. Our calls…

How to Reform the Filibuster

How to Reform the Filibuster Al Franken and Norm Ornstein With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIB) and the impending passage of the Build Back Better legislation, Congress is ready to move on to its next urgent priority—protecting our elections and voters from disruption, chicanery and voter suppression….


Al Franken Photo: Matt Wilson / @pbsthephotographer

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This week on the Podcast: Heather McGhee – An Encore of My Best Podcast Ever!

Oh. And subscribe to my YouTube channel. All the podcasts are there, plus some videos from my pre-Senate career as well as my years in the Senate.

Enjoy the website!

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